bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Women

Women can start to see a decline in their hormone levels as early as their late twenties!  For women, having one’s hormones checked regularly will reveal whether their hormones are optimized and help avoid hormonal imbalance in a woman’s endocrine system. BHRT offers a natural way to combat the effects of aging. Women gain an overall improvement in their quality of life, relationships, and general well being. Give us a call today!

What are Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance?

Hormone imbalance in women can occur as part of the aging process and may reflect genetic predispositions for certain conditions. However, hormone balance is affected by the food we eat, the exercise we get, and the amount of stress we experience. Symptoms include menopausal symptoms, heavy, irregular, or painful periods, osteoporosis, hot flashes and night sweats, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, indigestion, and constipation or diarrhea, heart disease, diabetes, low libido, depression, irritability, insomnia, headaches, body aches, fatigue, poor motivation, poor memory, mental fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain.

How Do I Know if This is Right for Me?

It all starts with a consultation and a simple blood test to see if you're a candidate. After results come back and you are a candidate, you can start treatment that very same day! 

Woman Eating An Apple — Jacksonville, FL | Fulton Gibbs Wellness

The virtually painless procedure is done in the office in about ten minutes. At Precision Medicine and Wellness by Elizabeth Bagan, APRN, we use pellet therapy. Pellet therapy provides a steady dose release that is absorbed based upon your activity level. Therefore, no more forgetting to apply messy creams and gels or having painful injections.

Precision Medicine and Wellness by Elizabeth Bagan, APRN Can Help!

So what are you waiting for? If you are suffering from hormone imbalance symptoms such as low libido, depression, irritability, insomnia, headaches, body aches, fatigue, poor motivation, poor memory, mental fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain, we can help at Precision Medicine and Wellness by Elizabeth Bagan, APRN. We are happy to arrange a consultation at Precision Medicine and Wellness by Elizabeth Bagan, APRN and discuss any concerns that you may have.   

While results are different for every patient, some see positive benefits in as soon as a few days, while others may take up to 6 weeks to see changes with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy using BioTE. Patients who see the best results follow a supplement regimen designed just for you. 

Let us help you build the healthy life you deserve at Precision Medicine and Wellness by Elizabeth Bagan, APRN! 

Hear What Other Women are Saying

"BioTE Saved My Life!" Annette suffered from thyroid issues for over thirty years. For eight years, she went from doctor to doctor looking for answers only to be told to take another pill. She continued to eat less, gain weight, became even more depressed, and eventually stopped doing the things she loved.  After receiving treatment using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy BHRT using BioTE, Annette has lost over 105 pounds! She has reduced her cholesterol, stopped needing most of her medications, and return to enjoying the things she loved to do. "BioTE Gave Me My Life Back!" 

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